了解详情 >

NVMe over RDMA 环境部署记录。

1. Ubuntu 22.04
2. Ubuntu 虚拟机的磁盘配置为 NVMe
3. clone 为两份虚拟机,一份为 Host 端,一份为 Target

1. 自动部署软件栈 sh 脚本

以 root 权限运行:

# rdma-setup.sh

# @CS0522
# rdma setup
# run with root
# 1. Install tools
# 2. Setup rdma & nvme

# install 
apt-get install vim open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-desktop net-tools nvme-cli fio

# rdma user space tools
apt-get install libibverbs1 ibverbs-utils librdmacm1 libibumad3 ibverbs-providers rdma-core

# rdma test tool
apt-get install perftest

# get local IP address
local_ip=`ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep -v | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d "addr:"`
echo local_ip="${local_ip}"

# get device name
net_dev=`ifconfig | grep -w BROADCAST | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/://g'`
echo net_dev="${net_dev}"

# modprobe RXE NIC
modprobe rdma_rxe
rdma link add rxe_0 type rxe netdev ${net_dev}

# modprobe nvme
modprobe nvmet
modprobe nvmet-rdma
modprobe nvme-rdma

# 1. config nvme subsystem
echo subsys_name="${subsys_name}"
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/subsystems/"${subsys_name}"
cd /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/subsystems/"${subsys_name}"

# 2. allow any host to be connected to this target
echo 1 > attr_allow_any_host

# 3. create a namespace,example: nsid=10
echo nsid="${nsid}"
mkdir namespaces/"${nsid}"
cd namespaces/"${nsid}"

# 4. set the path to the NVMe device
echo -n /dev/nvme0n1> device_path
echo 1 > enable

# 5. create the following directory with an NVMe port
echo portid="${portid}"
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/ports/"${portid}"
cd /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/ports/"${portid}"

# 6. set ip address to traddr
echo "${local_ip}" > addr_traddr

# 7. set rdma as a transport type,addr_trsvcid is unique.
echo rdma > addr_trtype
echo 4420 > addr_trsvcid

# 8. set ipv4 as the Address family
echo ipv4 > addr_adrfam

# 9. create a soft link
ln -s /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/subsystems/"${subsys_name}" /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/ports/"${portid}"/subsystems/"${subsys_name}"

# 10. Check dmesg to make sure that the NVMe target is listening on the port
dmesg -T | grep "enabling port"

# 11. output info < ip/port>
#  XXX  nvmet_rdma: enabling port 1 (

# 12. check the status of nvme
lsblk | grep nvme
# nvme0n1


2. 手动部署——RDMA

2.1. 确认内核是否支持

2.2. 安装环境依赖、工具

2.3. 获取 IP 地址、NIC 设备名

2.4. 配置 RXE 网卡

2.5. RDMA 配置结果检验

3. 手动部署——NVMe

3.1. 加载 NVMe 相关内核

3.2. 配置 nvme subsystem

3.3. Allow any host to be connected to this target

3.4. Create a namespace,example: nsid=10

3.5. Set the path to the NVMe device

3.6. Create the following directory with an NVMe port

3.7. Set ip address to traddr

3.8. Set rdma as a transport type,addr_trsvcid is unique

3.9. Set ipv4 as the Address family

3.11. Check dmesg to make sure that the NVMe target is listening on the port

3.12. Check the status of NVMe

4. NVMe over RDMA 环境验证

虚拟机重启后需要重新配置 RDMA 部分

Host 端执行:

Target 端执行:

Target 端执行后,两端的运行输出如下:

Host 端:

Target 端:

Target 端发现 Host 端的 NVMe 设备:


Target 端连接 Host 端的 NVMe 设备:



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