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DiskSim 的 .parv 参数文件

DiskSim 使用 libparam 输入参数文件。在参数文件中有三种内容:

  • blocks delimited by {},块的定义
  • instantiations,实例化
  • topology specifications,拓扑结构说明

一个 block 由多个 "name=value" 赋值组成。名称可能包含空格,并且区分大小写。 值可以是整数(包括前缀为 0x 的十六进制)、浮点数、字符串、块和由 [] 分隔的列表。

组件不能在定义前引用。每个参数文件必须包含 GlobalStates 块, 使用合成跟踪发生器仿真还必须定义 procsynthio 块 (disksim_pf { }:Process-Flow Parameters 合成负载的一些参数,disksim_synthio { }:SyntheticWorkloads 合成负载)。

在一个典型的配置中,接着还会再定义一定的总线(bus)、控制器(controller)、和输入输出驱动(iodriver), 然后定义或引用一些存储设备的说明,之后实例化,最后模拟存储仿真的拓扑结构规范定义这些组件之间的互连。

磁盘阵列的数据组织是在 logorg 块中描述的。每一个请求都必须属于一个 logorg,所以至少有一个 logorg 块被定义。

设备的 Rotational syncrhonization 可以选择性的在 syncset 块中定义。

adjusting the time scaleremapping requests from a trace 可以在 iosim 块中定义。

synthraid5.parv 参数文件


  • Global block
  • Stats block
  • 具体设备参数设定
    • device drivers
    • buses
    • controllers
    • storage devices
  • 实例化
  • 拓扑结构
  • RAID 磁盘阵列
  • 设置 workload

Global block

Stats block

包含五个子块:iodriver、bus、ctlr、device、process flow,参数全由 0 或 1 表示。

1 和 0 分别表示这些参数是否需要 print 到输出文件中。

disksim_stats Stats {
iodriver stats = disksim_iodriver_stats {
 Print driver size stats = 1,
 Print driver locality stats = 1,
 Print driver blocking stats = 1,
 Print driver interference stats = 1,
 Print driver queue stats = 1,
 Print driver crit stats = 1,
 Print driver idle stats = 1,
 Print driver intarr stats = 1,
 Print driver streak stats = 1,
 Print driver stamp stats = 1,
 Print driver per-device stats = 1 },
bus stats = disksim_bus_stats {
 Print bus idle stats = 1,
 Print bus arbwait stats = 1 },
ctlr stats = disksim_ctlr_stats {
 Print controller cache stats = 1,
 Print controller size stats = 1,
 Print controller locality stats = 1,
 Print controller blocking stats = 1,
 Print controller interference stats = 1,
 Print controller queue stats = 1,
 Print controller crit stats = 1,
 Print controller idle stats = 1,
 Print controller intarr stats = 1,
 Print controller streak stats = 1,
 Print controller stamp stats = 1,
 Print controller per-device stats = 1 },
device stats = disksim_device_stats {
 Print device queue stats = 1, 
 Print device crit stats = 1,
 Print device idle stats = 1,
 Print device intarr stats = 1,
 Print device size stats = 1,
 Print device seek stats = 1,
 Print device latency stats = 1,
 Print device xfer stats = 1,
 Print device acctime stats = 1,
 Print device interfere stats = 1,
 Print device buffer stats = 1 },
process flow stats = disksim_pf_stats {
 Print per-process stats =  1,
 Print per-CPU stats =  1,
 Print all interrupt stats =  1,
 Print sleep stats =  1
} # end of stats block


注:以下设备参数取自 atlas_III.parv 参数文件


实例化的语法格式:instantiate <name list> as <instance name>


RAID 磁盘阵列

disksim_syncset sync0 { 
   devices = [ disk0 .. disk8 ] 

# 重要!!!这里应该涉及到磁盘阵列的数据分布

# Disk Array Data Organizations(磁盘阵列逻辑数据组织形式)
# 每一种逻辑结构都可以在 logory 块中配置
# RAID-5
disksim_logorg org0 {
    # 逻辑数据组织的编址方式(值为:Array(编成一个统一逻辑设备)或 Parts)
    Addressing mode = Array,
    # 数据分布策略,体现负载均衡能力(值为:Striped,Random,N.B. 或 Ideal)
    Distribution scheme = Striped,
    # 冗余方案(值为:Noredun,Shadowed,Parity_disk 或 Parity_rotated)
    Redundancy scheme = Parity_rotated,
    # 当前逻辑组织中包含的设备名称列表
    devices = [ disk0 .. disk8 ],
    # stripe 单元的大小
    Stripe unit  =  64,
    Synch writes for safety =  0,
    # 每个数据磁盘的备份数(仅当 Redundancy scheme = shadowed 时才有效)
    Number of copies =  2,
    # 哪个副本负责响应(仅当 Redundancy scheme = shadowed 时才有效)
    Copy choice on read =  6,
    RMW vs. reconstruct =  0.5,
    # stripe 单元的大小(仅当 Redundancy scheme = Parity_rotated 时才有效)
    Parity stripe unit =  64,
     # parity 在磁盘中旋转的方式(仅当 Redundancy scheme = Parity_rotated 时才有效)
    Parity rotation type =  1,
    # time stamps 之间的间隔
    Time stamp interval =  0.000000,
     # 第一个 time stamp 的模拟时间(相对于模拟开始的时间)
    Time stamp start time =  60000.000000,
     # 最后一个 time stamp 的模拟时间(相对于模拟开始的时间)
    Time stamp stop time =  10000000000.000000,
    Time stamp file name =  stamps
} # end of logorg org0 spec

设置 Workload

下面设置 workload,可有多个 generator,每个 generator 每过一段 think time 后发出一个 request, 包括 time-criticalreques(generator 需等上一个 request 完成再进入下一个 think time)

disksim_pf Proc {
   Number of processors =  5,
   Process-Flow Time Scale =  1.0
} # end of process flow spec

disksim_synthio Synthio {
   Number of I/O requests to generate =  10000,
   Maximum time of trace generated  =  1000.0,
   System call/return with each request =  0,
   Think time from call to request =  0.0,
   Think time from request to return =  0.0,
   Generators = [
     disksim_synthgen { # generator 0 
       Storage capacity per device  =  16448064,
       devices = [ org0 ], 
       Blocking factor =  8,
       Probability of sequential access =  0.2,
       Probability of local access =  0.3,
       Probability of read access =  0.66,
       Probability of time-critical request =  0.1,
       Probability of time-limited request =  0.3,
       Time-limited think times  = [ normal, 30.0, 100.0  ],
       General inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Sequential inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local distances  = [ normal, 0.0, 40000.0  ],
       Sizes  = [ exponential, 0.0, 8.0  ]
     }, # end of generator 0 
     disksim_synthgen { # generator 0 
       Storage capacity per device  =  16448064,
       devices = [ org0 ], 
       Blocking factor =  8,
       Probability of sequential access =  0.2,
       Probability of local access =  0.3,
       Probability of read access =  0.66,
       Probability of time-critical request =  0.1,
       Probability of time-limited request =  0.3,
       Time-limited think times  = [ normal, 30.0, 100.0  ],
       General inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Sequential inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local distances  = [ normal, 0.0, 40000.0  ],
       Sizes  = [ exponential, 0.0, 8.0  ]
     }, # end of generator 0 
     disksim_synthgen { # generator 0 
       Storage capacity per device  =  16448064,
       devices = [ org0 ], 
       Blocking factor =  8,
       Probability of sequential access =  0.2,
       Probability of local access =  0.3,
       Probability of read access =  0.66,
       Probability of time-critical request =  0.1,
       Probability of time-limited request =  0.3,
       Time-limited think times  = [ normal, 30.0, 100.0  ],
       General inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Sequential inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local distances  = [ normal, 0.0, 40000.0  ],
       Sizes  = [ exponential, 0.0, 8.0  ]
     }, # end of generator 0 
     disksim_synthgen { # generator 0 
       Storage capacity per device  =  16448064,
       devices = [ org0 ], 
       Blocking factor =  8,
       Probability of sequential access =  0.2,
       Probability of local access =  0.3,
       Probability of read access =  0.66,
       Probability of time-critical request =  0.1,
       Probability of time-limited request =  0.3,
       Time-limited think times  = [ normal, 30.0, 100.0  ],
       General inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Sequential inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local distances  = [ normal, 0.0, 40000.0  ],
       Sizes  = [ exponential, 0.0, 8.0  ]
     }, # end of generator 0 
     disksim_synthgen { # generator 0 
       Storage capacity per device  =  16448064,
       devices = [ org0 ], 
       Blocking factor =  8,
       Probability of sequential access =  0.2,
       Probability of local access =  0.3,
       Probability of read access =  0.66,
       Probability of time-critical request =  0.1,
       Probability of time-limited request =  0.3,
       Time-limited think times  = [ normal, 30.0, 100.0  ],
       General inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Sequential inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local inter-arrival times  = [ exponential, 0.0, 10.0  ],
       Local distances  = [ normal, 0.0, 40000.0  ],
       Sizes  = [ exponential, 0.0, 8.0  ]
     } # end of generator 0 
   ] # end of generator list 
} # end of synthetic workload spec

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