CPU 利用率,以及绑核操作示例代码。
CPU 利用率统计
与 top
inline double calculate_cpu_utilization(uint64_t &last_total_time, uint64_t &last_process_time)
std::ifstream proc_stat("/proc/stat");
std::ifstream self_stat("/proc/self/stat");
if (!proc_stat.is_open() || !self_stat.is_open())
return -1.0; // Error opening files
std::string line;
uint64_t user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq, steal;
uint64_t utime, stime;
if (std::getline(proc_stat, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
iss.ignore(5, ' '); // Skip "cpu"
iss >> user >> nice >> system >> idle >> iowait >> irq >> softirq >> steal;
return -1.0; // Error reading /proc/stat
if (std::getline(self_stat, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i)
iss.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), ' ');
iss >> utime >> stime;
return -1.0; // Error reading /proc/self/stat
uint64_t total_time = user + nice + system + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal;
uint64_t process_time = utime + stime;
double utilization = 0.0;
if (last_total_time > 0 && last_process_time > 0)
uint64_t total_delta = total_time - last_total_time;
uint64_t process_delta = process_time - last_process_time;
if (total_delta > 0)
int num_cores = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
utilization = 100.0 * process_delta / (total_delta / num_cores);
last_total_time = total_time;
last_process_time = process_time;
return utilization;
void BindThreadToCore(int thread_id)
cpu_set_t cpu_set;
// Get the core from the CPU mask by checking the bit at the thread_id position
int core_id = GetCoreIdFromMask(thread_id);
CPU_SET(core_id, &cpu_set);
if (pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpu_set) != 0)
std::cerr << "Error binding thread to CPU core " << core_id << std::endl;
std::cout << "Server thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " bound to core " << core_id << std::endl;
// Function to get the core ID from the mask, rotating through available cores
int GetCoreIdFromMask(int thread_id)
int available_core_count = cpu_mask_.count();
if (available_core_count == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("No available CPU cores in the mask");
// Find the core by checking the bits in the CPU mask
int core_id = -1;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
if (cpu_mask_.test(i))
if (count == thread_id)
core_id = i;
// Not enough cores
if (core_id == -1)
throw std::runtime_error("The allocated cpu cores are less than the number of threads");
return core_id;